Wednesday, 24-Jul-2024
Accreditation :  4 CPD points - Applied for accreditation
Availability: Available
Location : The Deakin Centre, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, England, CB20QQ
Contact email: 
Fee options: 
  • Basic - GBP 0.00

2024-07-24 00:00:00 2024-07-24 00:00:00 Europe/London FRCA primary SBA revision course FRCA primary SBA revision course The Deakin Centre, Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge, England, CB20QQ


1 day practice exam course : 0900 to 1700
For all anaesthetic trainees and non-trainees looking to sit the Primary FRCA MCQ/SBA examination
Practice under exam conditions; past, present and topics from recent exams

Cancellation Policy:
Please inform event organiser of cancellation or change in attendance status
  • Added by: Peta Masters
  • Added on: 10 July 2024