We are pleased announce our newest feature - Customised course feedback forms. It has been a popular request from our beloved organsers. Since the launch of BookCPD we have had electronic CPD certificates. Our organisers have benefitted from the certificate modules and have so far issued thousands of certificates. However one of the popular requests have been to include a feedback / evaluation form.
The newest feature is well integrated into the certificate module.
How does this work?
The feedback module is well integrated into the certificate module. Just like creating a template for your certificate you create a evaluation form for your delegates or faculty. The form creation process is fairly simple and supports the commonly available used type of questions ( short answers, multiline answers, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown boxes and a Grid radio set). Once you have created and previewed your feedback form you can publish it. This makes it ready to be sent to delegates or faculty.
You can then proceed to issue certificates like you would normally do. At this stage you can also choose which feedback form to send to a particular delegate if you have created more than one form. When the delegate click on the link in his/her email to download the certificate first they will be presented with the feedback form. Only on completion of the feeback form will they be allowed to download their certificate.
Some of the features are:
Head over to our Howto section to find out how to create one for your course.