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JOIN US for the Annual Spine Intervention Cadaver Workshop in Leeds, UK on 30 April - 1 May 2020.
The focus of the Leeds course will be:
30 April 2020 - Basic Spine Interventions
1 May 2020 - Advanced Spine Interventions.
The workshop topics include:
Spine interventions
Radiological anatomy of skull and spine
Ultrasound anatomy of spine relevant to pain medicine
Epidural (caudal, cervical, thoracic, lumbar)
Selective nerve root blocks
Facet joint interventions (intra-articular, median branch, RF techniques)
Sacro-iliac joint interventions (including RF)
Sympathetic blocks (stellate, splanchnic, coeliac, lumbar and hypogastric)
Disc procedures (discography, nucleoplasty, disc decompression, biacuplasty)
Spinal cord stimulation
Trigeminal ganglion interventions (balloon micro-compression)
*Workshop registration includes a copy of the Oxford Spine Interventions Handbook