Course / Event Concluded

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Friday, 28-Jun-2024
Accreditation : 
Availability: Full
Location : Education Centre, Romsey Road, Winchester, England, SO22 5DG
Contact email: 
Fee options: 

    2024-06-28 00:00:00 2024-06-28 00:00:00 Europe/London Wessex UltraSound IV Cannulation course (WUSIC) - June 2024 Wessex UltraSound IV Cannulation course (WUSIC) - June 2024 Education Centre, Romsey Road, Winchester, England, SO22 5DG


    WUSIC is a half-day course in ultrasound-guided peripheral intravenous cannulation, for Wessex trainees of all specialties in any stage of training.

    It's free for Wessex trainees and taught by anaesthetists in the region, with the aim of providing a hands-on opportunity to gain skills and confidence in ultrasound-guided peripheral IV access - you'll never miss a cannula again!

    ​The course will include:

    • A brief lecture covering the basics of ultrasound, with practical tips and techniques
    • Small group practical sessions to hone your skills, guided by anaesthetic facilitators - there will be plenty of opportunity for all participants to practice on our Bluphantom models using state of the art Fujifilm Sonosite ultrasound machines


    Link to our website:

    Cancellation Policy:
    This course is free for Wessex trainees. Due to limited places, please notify us as soon as possible if cancelling so your place can be available for others.
    • Added by: Participant Test
    • Added on: 17 August 2023