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The Scottish Society of Acute Pain Services (SSAPS) Trainee Study Day aims to provide an interactive and enjoyable day covering a wide variety of topics related to acute pain management. It is aimed at Stage 1 Anaesthetic trainees from across Scotland and will cover many topics relevant to the RCOA curriculum.
We have a varied programme of talks and small group sessions including Rib Fracture management, Regional Anaesthesia and Paediatric pain management. It is generally a relaxed and enjoyable day which has had very positive feedback over a number of years.
The schedule is attached and we will aim to close by 1545 to facilitate travel from outwith the West of Scotland
Lunch and tea/coffee is included in the booking price of £30. Numbers are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.
Any queries please don't hesitate to get in touch by email via BookCPD