Course / Event Concluded

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Friday, 22-Mar-2024
Accreditation : 
Availability: Nearly full
Location : Clinical Skills Suite, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland, G31 2ER
Contact email: 
Fee options: 

    2024-03-22 00:00:00 2024-03-22 00:00:00 Europe/London SSAPS Trainee Study Day 2024 SSAPS Trainee Study Day 2024 Clinical Skills Suite, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland, G31 2ER


    The Scottish Society of Acute Pain Services (SSAPS) Trainee Study Day aims to provide an interactive and enjoyable day covering a wide variety of topics related to acute pain management. It is aimed at Stage 1 Anaesthetic trainees from across Scotland and will cover many topics relevant to the RCOA curriculum.

    We have a varied programme of talks and small group sessions including Rib Fracture management, Regional Anaesthesia and Paediatric pain management. It is generally a relaxed and enjoyable day which has had very positive feedback over a number of years.

    The schedule is attached and we will aim to close by 1545 to facilitate travel from outwith the West of Scotland

    Lunch and tea/coffee is included in the booking price of £30. Numbers are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment.

    Any queries please don't hesitate to get in touch by email via BookCPD 

    Cancellation Policy:
    Full refund(after deducting administrative charge) if cancelled earlier than 7 days before start of event.
    • Added by: Amanda Milligan
    • Added on: 16 January 2024