Course / Event Concluded

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Friday, 19-May-2023
Accreditation :  5 CPD points - Applied for accreditation
Availability: Full
Location : St Thomas' Hospital, London, England
Contact email: 
Fee options: 

    2023-05-19 00:00:00 2023-05-19 00:00:00 Europe/London GSTT Anaesthetics and Critical Care Transfer Course - May 2023 GSTT Anaesthetics and Critical Care Transfer Course - May 2023 St Thomas' Hospital, London, England


    This 1-day course at St. Thomas' Hospital aims to deliver a basic theory and practical based introduction to transfers for junior anaesthetic and intensive care trainees. Wedded to the 2021 RCoA curriculum, this course will host talks by a range of anaesthetists, intensivists and paramedics to give attendees the basic knowledge and skills to begin carrying out simple inter and intra hospital transfers.

    Cancellation Policy:
    The fee for the course is refundable upto 2 weeks prior to the start of the event
    • Added by: Gunjeet Dua
    • Added on: 02 September 2021