Course / Event Concluded

This course / event you are looking for has concluded. Please see below a list of similar courses


Thursday, 06-Jun-2024
Accreditation :  5 CPD points - Applied for accreditation
Availability: Full
Location : Upstairs At The Department Store , London, England, SW9 8BQ
Contact email: 
Fee options: 

    2024-06-06 00:00:00 2024-06-06 00:00:00 Europe/London SLACT - South London Anaesthetic Core Topics update course SLACT - South London Anaesthetic Core Topics update course Upstairs At The Department Store , London, England, SW9 8BQ


    Relevant to Consultant General Anaesthetists and open to ST5+ grade anaesthetists and SAS Anaesthetists. The SLACT course will give a comprehensive update on recent advances in areas including Paediatric, Obstetric, Obesity anaesthesia and prehabilitation as well as top tips for leadership and management within a department. It will offer a blend of talks and practical sessions. The practical sessions will be in advanced airway management and regional anaesthesia to equip you with the skills required as a Consultant General Anaesthetist. 

    Cancellation Policy:
    Will be decided on an individual basis.
    • Added by: Robert Waterhouse
    • Added on: 19 March 2024