Course / Event Concluded

This course / event you are looking for has concluded. Please see below a list of similar courses


OneBrain - Scotland Logo
Tuesday, 28-May-2024
Accreditation :  5 CPD points - Applied for accreditation
Availability: Full
Location : Dundee Institute For Healthcare Simulation, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland, DD1 9SY
Contact email: 
Fee options: 

    2024-05-28 00:00:00 2024-05-28 00:00:00 Europe/London OneBrain - Scotland OneBrain - Scotland Dundee Institute For Healthcare Simulation, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland, DD1 9SY


    OneBrain - Scotland

    OneBrain Scotland is back with another national neuroanaesthetic simulation study day from the OneBrain - Scotland team.    

    This one-day simulation course covers essential topics and critical incidents in neuroanaesthesia and neurocritical care, and is run by a multi-disciplinary faculty of neuroanaesthetists, intensivists, theatre practitioners, critical care nurses, and neurosurgeon(s) from across Scotland.


    Course Format

    This 1-day course will comprise simulation scenarios, with blended learning in the form of small tutorials, on the key topics that make up the Stage 2 Neuroanaesthetic Curriculum.

    Pre-reading documentation on neuroanaesthetic and neurocritical care topics will be provided, and there is also access to a large repository of e-learning articles and tutorials via the e-learning for health (eLFH) website.


    Target Audience

    This course is aimed at anaesthetists in Stage 2 of training (ST4+) and would be ideal for those who:

    • Wish to update their knowledge on the management of neuroanaesthetic and neurocritical care topics.
    • Wish to prepare for upcoming neuroanaesthetic rotations.
    • Are preparing for the Final FRCA examinations.


    Course Themes

    Topics that will be covered include:

    • The management of raised intracranial pressure.
    • Transfer of the neurosurgical patient.
    • Mechanical thrombectomy.
    • Sub-Arachnoid haemorrhage.


    Course Fees

    Cost per delegate: £75

    Applications will be on a first-come, first-serve basis and priority will be given to applicants within Scotland.  If you are applying from out with Scotland, please contact us before booking.  

    We will allow a maximum of 12 candidates to maximise the learning opportunities available.  We will also operate a reserve list if there are any cancellations.



    Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

    Cancellation Policy:
    A full refund will be offered up until 4 weeks prior to the event (note that bookCPD may take a small processing fee when your money is refunded).

    Beyond this, a full refund can only be offered if we are able to fill the place with someone else / someone on the reserve list.

    If there are fewer than 8 delegates, the event may need to be cancelled.
    • Added by: Geoffrey Warnock
    • Added on: 19 April 2023