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A brilliant, one-day, face-to-face Minor Surgery Update course to update and refresh experienced practitioners who are carrying out minor surgical procedures to meet the requirements of the 2014 DES Minor Surgery Contract. We will also be teaching advanced skills including operating on the head and neck, including the 'danger triangle,' as well as teaching how to create flaps. The course is led and taught by Professor Fahad Rizvi, an experienced surgeon and GP who is extremely experienced in providing Minor Surgery, ranging from excisions to minor hand surgery (carpal tunnel release, trigger finger release, etc) and vasectomies. We have had fantastic feedback for our courses and attendees have unanimously reported that our Minor Surgery Courses have prepared them very well to undertake minor surgery independently after completing our course.
This course is Ideal for nurses and doctors wishing to refresh existing knowledge. As well as demonstrations by the tutor, delegates will also undertake minor surgical procedures under the tutor’s guidance and DOPS (Direct Observation of Procedural Skills) assessments as required by NHS England. There will be small group work, a question and answer session and skin and suture models to enhance learning.
We are fully Covid19-compliant and have the best-priced course on the market and have had fantastic feedback for our courses. Come and see what makes us stand out!