Course / Event Concluded

This course / event you are looking for has concluded. Please see below a list of similar courses


Thursday, 07-Dec-2023
Accreditation :  5 CPD points - Applied for accreditation
Availability: Full
Location : Portsmouth Marriott Hotel, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, PO6 4SH
Contact email: 
Fee options: 

    2023-12-07 00:00:00 2023-12-07 00:00:00 Europe/London Portsmouth Airways Workshops Portsmouth Airways Workshops Portsmouth Marriott Hotel, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire, England, PO6 4SH


     PAWS (Portsmouth Airway Workshops) is a one- day course aimed at post FRCA anaesthetists.   The focus of the course is small group workshops using the same equipment available in theatres, but on Manikins, to feel confident with the skills required to manage a CICO (Can't Intubate, Can't Oxygenate) situation and additional workshops to teach and practice advanced airway skills (Tube exchanges, Fibreoptic bronchoscope handling, Neck Ultrasound and Lung Isolation techniques).  The programme is designed to provide an overview of difficult airway management across the sub-specialties within anaesthesia (Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Intensive Care Medicine), this broader content is covered predominantly through presentations.  The presentations are given in a whole group presentation format, but are delivered to invite discussion amongst the delegates and faculty.  The workshops are small groups of 4 candidates with plenty of equipment and faculty in each workshop to maximise hands-on time.  The course has been running for many years and has previously been accredited for 5 CPD points, which we expect to offer again this year. 

    Cancellation Policy:
    £150 Refund until 3/11/23
    £80 Refund 3/11/23 -30/11/23
    No Refund 1/12/23 However, please contact the organiser and if we are in a position to make a refund we will.
    • Added by: Rebecca Reeves
    • Added on: 14 June 2023