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Management of patients on long term opioids in primary and secondary care.
See program below
8th June 2019 at Marriott Hotel, Leicester
8.30-9.00- Registration and coffee
9.00-9.10- Introduction
Dr Sadiq Bhayani (Consultant Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia)
9.10-9.30- Current burden of opioids in the Primary Care-time to think
Prof. Mayur Lakhani (President RCGP)
9.30-9.50- Opioids prescriptions- Prescription Habits in Primary and Secondary
Ms. Bhavisha Pattani (CDAO and Head of Pharmacy NHS England)
9.50-10.10.- Opioids: Making of Opioid Crisis and Evidence
Dr. Dalvina Hanu-Cerat (Consultant Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia)
10.10-10.30- Long-term side effects of Opioids
Dr. Rahul Bhansali (Consultant Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia)
10.30-10.45- Coffee break
10.45-11.05- Addiction and Chronic
Dr Andrew Ball (Consultant Psychiatrist and De-addiction Medicine)
11.05-11.25- Management of opioid dependent/addicted pain
Dr Andrew Ball & Dr Sadiq Bhayani
11.25-11.45- Chronic Abdominal Pain and Opioids
Dr Niraj Gopinath (Consultant Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia)
11.45-12.15- Lunch break
12.15-12.35- Low Back Pain and Opioids
Dr. Sandip Kapoor (Consultant Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia)
12.35-12.55-Cannabinoids and Chronic Pain- Pain Physicians take on it.
Dr Rajesh Munglani (Consultant Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia)
12.55-13.15- Role of Multidisciplinary Clinics
Dr Yehia Kamel (Consultant Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia)
13.15-14.15- Real Life Cases and Case Based discussions
14.15 - Feedback and Closure